I’m a twenty-one-year-old Michigan gal who loves good books, long walks, spending time with family and friends, and dark chocolate. (Especially dark chocolate.)
My passion is to encourage my peers to live wholeheartedly for Christ. I’ve seen friends walk away from God and I know how hard it is to follow Jesus in our culture. But Jesus has completely, radically, 100% changed my life.
I believe Jesus is worth living for. I believe He’s worth dying for. I believe He’s worth giving everything for.
I believe there is so much more to following Christ than what we often see displayed in the Christian culture around us, and I’m on a mission to discover what authentically picking up the cross and following Jesus looks like.
I believe we need to be challenged as followers of Christ to step outside our comfortable Christianity into a passionate pursuit of knowing, loving, and obeying our Savior. That’s why, when I was eighteen, I wrote my first book, Love Riot: A Teenage Call to Live With Relentless Abandon for Christ. It’s a battle cry from one teen to another to live with relentless abandon for Jesus . . . no matter the cost.
Following Jesus always comes with a cost. But it’s ultimately worth it.
I want to invite you to join me on this journey of chasing hard after God. I challenge you to allow Jesus to invade your story and overhaul it with His grace. That’s why Jesus sacrificed His life on a cross over two thousand years ago—to draw your wandering soul to Himself and grant you freedom and forgiveness.
Yes, I know this section was supposed to be about me . . . but writing my story always turns into sharing His. After all, my story isn’t about me. Your story isn’t about you. They’re both about Jesus.
And now, I can’t wait to meet you! Let’s turn this monologue into a dialogue. Come hang out with me on Facebook, Instagram, or on my email list, and let’s be challenged together to wholeheartedly pursue our Savior.
In pursuit of Jesus,

Sara Barratt is an author, speaker, avid reader, chocolate lover, and editor-in-chief for TheRebelution.com, a growing online platform that reaches more than half a million Christian teens, parents, and youth workers each year. She is a frequent speaker on topics including using your teen years for Christ, engaging culture with a biblical worldview, and godly dating and relationships. She wrote her first book Love Riot: A Teenage Call to Live with Relentless Abandon for Christ when she was eighteen. Her second book Stand Up, Stand Strong: A Call to Bold Faith in a Confused Culture releases April 2022 in partnership with Summit Ministries. Her work has been featured on numerous websites including The Gospel Coalition, Crosswalk, Desiring God, Girl Defined, and Lies Young Women Believe. She has been a guest on numerous radio shows and podcasts including The Eric Metaxas Show, Moody Radio, and WMUZ.
Her passion is challenging and encouraging her peers to live sold out and set apart for Jesus. When she’s not writing or dreaming up new book ideas, she loves spending time with family and friends, taking long walks, drinking copious amounts of tea, and scribbling down random thoughts that eventually get lost in her purse. Come hang out with her on Facebook and Instagram.

Sara is passionate about sharing God’s truth and she’d love to chat with you about your upcoming event.